The Cambrian Explosion and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Stainless Steel


I have a funny piece of paper

Abyssal Plains

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July '23 Wrapup

Posted by Hydromecha - August 6th, 2023

Crossposting from my personal website. Check it out at hydromecha.website.

Website Updates

Made some changes to the website to hopefully optimize loading times a bit. The "monitor" border image has beens shrunk down slightly and split into four different pieces, the static textures I added with the previous update have been cropped/reduced in resolution significantly, and the sidebar buttons now have their highlight variants preloaded (this is done by having 0px x 0px images on the page).

The backdrop image has been made slightly brighter so you can see a bit more of the seafloor environment.

I still need to go through everything and make sure it plays nice with other window/monitor sizes. Right now everything is set up with absolute pixel dimensions so it looks good on my computer, but as you may have noticed already, it doesn't really look good if you aren't using a 1080p screen with windows at full size.

I also moved the copyright message to the bottom of every iframe page, which is why I had go through and update pretty much every single page on the site.

Doom Monster Model

This is the Snowdemon, a monster for a Doom wad I'm making with some friends. The Snowdemon has a pretty nasty blade for a hand and spits out fireballs in volleys of two, angling its second shot upwards. We're mostly making/gathering resources currently, no word on a release window yet. We've all got other things going on on top of this, so it'll take a while. The next monster I'm gonna be working on is called the Surprise Elemental.

Hazardous Materials Comic Update

Hazardous Materials is a comic I've been slowly chipping away at. There's some more info in previous posts on my website. I recently finished the chapter 1 script and have also been working on various character designs/sketches, pictured below. Expect things to look different in the actual comic. I definitely want to change some things with the designs or generally refine them more. To avoid spoilers I'm only gonna show the major characters that appear in the prologue. Check my website for the full res sketches.


Every character in Hazardous Materials is named after, resembles, and retains the properties of something inanimate. The protagonists are Asbestos and Coal Dust, hence the name of the comic. Asbestos and Coal Dust work for Platinum, gathering important pieces of literature for the Rockopolis Archive. Asbestos hates her job. Coal Dust seems alright with it.



I want to have every character have a unique eye and pupil shape. Asbestos's pupils are made of vertical lines since Asbestos is a fibrous material. I've also been messing with different hairstyles for the character. Asbestos used to have lines running along her body to make her look like she's made of fibrous stuff, but I didn't like the way it looked. Maybe if I have an extreme closeup somewhere it'll be visible then.

Coal Dust


Coal Dust's pupils are based off of hexagonal Carbon rings found in Coal and a bunch of other compounds that have Carbon in them. Coal Dust is made of particulates suspended in the air so she has to wear an exosuit if she doesn't want to be dissipated by the wind. Other characters made of similar fluid stuff like liquids will also be in funny suits.



Gold is Platinum's assistant. Gold's mouth was sealed shut in a recent welding accident. You'll find out why that happened in the prologue. The characters in this comic don't actually need to eat or breathe. They can see, feel, and hear, but can't taste or smell. They get energy from Money, which nobody actually knows the origin of.



Platinum's pupils are designed to resemble the crystal structure of Platinum and her hair tube things are supposed to look like ingots. Platinum and Gold were initially designed by a friend. There'll be other characters also designed by friends that you'll see later.

Other Projects

Last time I said I was working on some more Transformers customs. I did get some progress done on them this past month, but I still need to finish them.

I also got some good progress on painting a 3D printed Dragon Turtle model I've been putting off for nearly a year. Expect that and maybe one of the Transformers done by the end of August.


Comments ain't a thing here.