The Cambrian Explosion and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Stainless Steel


I have a funny piece of paper

Abyssal Plains

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Hydromecha's News

Posted by Hydromecha - May 7th, 2023

Updated my personal website with some projects I've been working on. Major ones are the Tankman action figure I did (which you can just go see on Newgrounds anyways) and the Doom mod I contributed to that recently released. Check it out here: https://hydromecha.website/#5/7/2023


Posted by Hydromecha - April 2nd, 2023

Updated my website to show off some stuff I worked on last month. Check it out here: https://hydromecha.website/#4/2/2023

Here's a couple pics from the post:



Posted by Hydromecha - March 5th, 2023

Got some news on Hazardous Materials (comic I'm working on) plus some other stuff I've been doing on my website here: https://hydromecha.website/#3/5/2023

If the 3D printed action figure stuff I'm doing goes well I might try making a Tankman fig for Pico Day.


Posted by Hydromecha - February 3rd, 2023

Last time I made a news post I teased a comic called Hazardous Materials. It's still happening, but it'll be a while before I release the first chapter. I've got some more info on my website here: https://hydromecha.website/#2/3/2023

Posted by Hydromecha - November 18th, 2022

Just pushed an update to my personal website that includes some new pages for the comics I already have on there, plus a tutorial on making basic vector speech bubbles in Krita. You can check out the tutorial directly here.

I posted this on the main page of my website, but I have some more info I wanna add on here. I recently started working on a new comic called Hazardous Materials that I plan on uploading to my site once I get a few pages finished. I'm mostly using it as a means to get better at drawing overall and I'm aiming to get a new page finished every 2 - 3 weeks. I've got one page done so far which you can see below as a sneak peak. The main characters here are named Asbestos and Coal Dust. You'll have to wait for more pages for more context.


But wait, there's more! I've been making biweekly posts on my company site describing mechanics in Tablespess, our homebrew TTRPG. You can check that out here.

That Froz Challenger comic I've mentioned a few times before is still something I wanna make, but it's gonna be a good while till that sees the light of day. I'm working with a friend on that and we're probably gonna do a short side story/pilot(?) first to figure out a good workflow. If that turns out well I'll put it up on the Goblin Base website, but there currently isn't any ETA on it.

Posted by Hydromecha - August 21st, 2022

I've got a Thingiverse account now! I've uploaded a few models to it already, and plan on making some more things to print after I re-learn CAD. So far there's the ocean base addon and chair monster models I've posted here plus a little monowheel robot. Making articulated action figures of Froz Challenger and other characters is definitely a long-term goal I have in mind. I also wanna dabble in making some custom parts for Transformers figures.

Posted by Hydromecha - May 5th, 2022

Been a little while since I've posted anything. I recently finished college classes for good so I've finally got some proper free time to do some hobby projects. I took a 3D modelling class this semester which was a ton of fun. I did a couple of character models that currently don't have any rigs. I wanna have something better than just t-posing models on Newgrounds so I've gotten started on that process. (If you wanna see those models I have them up on Artstation, had to upload there for the last few classwork submissions.) Below is the Dan Diamond model I did in a stupid pose with only automatic weight painting. It's uh... yeah, the hands worked outta the box I guess.


I haven't forgotten about that webcomic I've posted a little about either. That's still something I wanna do, but it'll be a while till the first issue'll be done. If there's any significant progress on that I'll post it. I really like the texture work I did on Dan here and I wanna keep getting better at it. It was all hand-painted in Krita, and you can see the textures and some other stuff on the Artstation page for the model. I also 3D printed a couple of the models I made for the class. I painted one of them, so I'll be uploading pics of that soonish.



Posted by Hydromecha - August 19th, 2021

Just updated the Hydromecha.Website with some new stuff. The main attractions in this update are some short stories I wrote during a summer course I finished recently. I've got a thread up in the Writing Forum if you want to give some feedback on those. Check the changelog on the site for more info on the update.

Posted by Hydromecha - July 31st, 2021

I recently posted the first in-progress spotlight about the tabletop system I'm making on my company site. Check it out here: https://goblinbase.com/

This one gives a brief overview of the game and some of its mechanics/features. Future spotlights will go into further detail about things like classes, items, and more. I'm running a playtest campaign with some friends and it's been a blast.

I do have some stuff about Tablespess up on my personal site, but it's pretty outdated. It'll be removed with a few other things when I update that site later. I'm working on some major changes to that one that'll be out at some point in the future.

I've also been working on some Doom maps using resources from DBP09 for a short limit-removing level pack. I'm just about done with two of its five maps. Hopefully it'll be out within the next month or so. I'll post some more info about it later if there's interest. Not so recently, I also contributed to MAP04 of DBP31.

In regards to Froz Challenger (the webcomic), I got a friend of mine who isn't on Newgrounds (yet) to take care of the art while I'm doing the script. Progress is pretty slow since we've both got other things going on top of additional projects. Unless there are major developments, I'm not going to post much about it.


Posted by Hydromecha - April 25th, 2021

I recently formed a company called Goblin Base Entertainment LLC for the projects my friends and I are working on in the Spess universe. Its website just went live at goblinbase.com! There's info on what Spess is along with the webcomic and TTRPG we're making in that setting on the site.

There's also some in-progress info on Spess and the TTRPG already on my personal website. You can read more about what's happening with that here. If you're interested in reading the in-progress stuff for Spess and Tablespess as we finish things on my site, leave a comment here saying so. Otherwise, I'll take them down from there until they're ready to be published as completed projects on the Goblin Base site.