The Cambrian Explosion and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Stainless Steel


I have a funny piece of paper

Abyssal Plains

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Hydromecha's News

Posted by Hydromecha - August 19th, 2021

Just updated the Hydromecha.Website with some new stuff. The main attractions in this update are some short stories I wrote during a summer course I finished recently. I've got a thread up in the Writing Forum if you want to give some feedback on those. Check the changelog on the site for more info on the update.

Posted by Hydromecha - July 31st, 2021

I recently posted the first in-progress spotlight about the tabletop system I'm making on my company site. Check it out here: https://goblinbase.com/

This one gives a brief overview of the game and some of its mechanics/features. Future spotlights will go into further detail about things like classes, items, and more. I'm running a playtest campaign with some friends and it's been a blast.

I do have some stuff about Tablespess up on my personal site, but it's pretty outdated. It'll be removed with a few other things when I update that site later. I'm working on some major changes to that one that'll be out at some point in the future.

I've also been working on some Doom maps using resources from DBP09 for a short limit-removing level pack. I'm just about done with two of its five maps. Hopefully it'll be out within the next month or so. I'll post some more info about it later if there's interest. Not so recently, I also contributed to MAP04 of DBP31.

In regards to Froz Challenger (the webcomic), I got a friend of mine who isn't on Newgrounds (yet) to take care of the art while I'm doing the script. Progress is pretty slow since we've both got other things going on top of additional projects. Unless there are major developments, I'm not going to post much about it.


Posted by Hydromecha - April 25th, 2021

I recently formed a company called Goblin Base Entertainment LLC for the projects my friends and I are working on in the Spess universe. Its website just went live at goblinbase.com! There's info on what Spess is along with the webcomic and TTRPG we're making in that setting on the site.

There's also some in-progress info on Spess and the TTRPG already on my personal website. You can read more about what's happening with that here. If you're interested in reading the in-progress stuff for Spess and Tablespess as we finish things on my site, leave a comment here saying so. Otherwise, I'll take them down from there until they're ready to be published as completed projects on the Goblin Base site.


Posted by Hydromecha - February 16th, 2021

I'd say I'm about 2/3's through blocking out/storyboarding the first issue of Froz Challenger. The gif below is a short very, very rough page sequence I rendered out. I'm using Krita's animation stuff to organize the storyboard pages. The blank space below the "page" is for notes. In that scene Froz is encasing part of an exposed building's wall with ice, crushing said encased wall into giblets, and then melting the ice/wall gib mixture to make an entrance. The rest of the building is covered in thick metal shutters as part of a security system. Froz and Wyatt are going after Autumn Ogre, who's inside the building.

iu_242712_7946451.gifHere's an in-progress drawing of Froz so you can get a better idea of what he looks like.



Posted by Hydromecha - November 25th, 2020

Finally got a comic format similar to the TF2 comics working on my own website. Unlike the TF2 comics, this is powered by a little bit of Javascript since Neocities doesn't support PHP. You can check out the proof-of-concept here: https://hydromecha.website/comics/PreloadTest/comicTemplate.html

The website is designed for 1920x1080 desktop displays. I have no clue how it looks on mobile and currently have no plans to accommodate it.

Posted by Hydromecha - May 11th, 2020

I've finally got some proper content up on my website! It's got some basic info and drawings of some of the alien species in the Sci Fi setting I've been working on with some friends. Check it out under the art tab on the site.
